Sunday, February 24, 2008

I will take door number 2

So what's it like, being mom to five kids?
What goes on behind the closed doors of our two story, in the country of Colorado?
How does our family function?

Here are two very funny (at least to me) episodes from this family of seven...

I decided I was going to cut and color my hair. Naturally, I am a brounette. However, for some reason (I am only 35) I have started going gray. Now, understand, I am a teacher by trade, and most students are not afraid to remind you how gray you have become since they have known you.
Anyway, I got my hair done last night, I am now a blonde. My 15 year old son met me at the door - "What happened to your hair, mom?"
I said, I got scared and it turned this color. "You look old!" Meanwhile my husband has said nothing about it.
By the time I got home, my little ones were asleep. They did not see me until this morning.

Kylie (she is 4) walks in this morning and says to me, "Wow, Mom - what happened to your hair? It looks like Muffin's fur!" (she is our dog, who has white fur.)

Nathan and John have said nothing up to now. Kaycee just sat on my lap and played with my hair all morning.
After church, Kylie looks at me and out of nowhere says..."Mom, your hair is so gray." She says this about 4 times. Finally John thinks it would be fun to get in on the comments and says, "Mom, you hai is gway!" And runs away laughing.
If you have a weak stomach, or are eating anything right now, you might want to come back later.
While we were eating lunch, John announced he needed to go potty. We have a safety handle on the door because John and Kaycee think it is a lot of fun to play in the potty. Anyway, we asked Kylie to please open the door for him.
John goes in and proceeds to do his business. At the same time, apparently, Kaycee was doing her business. She still wears a diaper...
She comes to me and says "potty." Now, I thought she was talking about John going potty. I said, "Yes, John potty."
She leaves.
About a minute later, I hear John say, "Taycee, you tink!" I think to myself, she must have really done her business. Let me eat this last bite and then I will change her.
Jacob exclaims, "John, why do you have Kaycee's diaper?"
We all look, and sure enough, John is carrying Kaycee's diaper through the living room and is ready to through it away.
In my mind I am putting everything together...Kaycee says potty, John stating that Taycee tinks, Kaycee not having a diaper on anymore, and Kaycee is no where to be seen.
Its one of the moments, when you really don't want to see what is behind door number two (ha ha ha ha!!! I am so funny!)
Your mind thinks the worst of course. Is it smeared on the walls? The floor? All over your child?
I walked down the hall, dreading it more and more with each step!
Finally, I looked in - there it was. In all of it's glory...Kaycee's poop. On the floor, in a pile. Yep, there it was.
As my eyes took in the view, I realized it wasn't as bad as I had thought it would be. There was a small bit on her shoe, a little on her finger, that was it. Most of it was in the pile that must have fallen out of her diaper.
I think it must be time to start potty training Kaycee.


Tami said...

I would stay as far away from door number two as possible from now on! ;)
Blond huh? Leave it to Leonard not to say anything about something so obvious! :)

Tami said...

Ooops...forgot to add. I think it runs in the family. Shad won't comment about anything like that either. I think he's too scared! :)