Monday, December 15, 2008

They finally came...

This weekend was awful.

It really started last week. Our fingerprints FINALLY came! We celebrated, but it didn't last very long.

My mom and dad were supposed to take all of our paperwork to Denver on Wednesday to get everything certified (third to the last step before we send it to China.)

My dad got put into the hospital over night - while they were trying to get things done.

We had everything planned to take it to Denver on Friday.

I spent the day in the emergency room with my mother in law...

Thank God, both my dad and my mother in law are doing ok.

Friday, we also got an email stating that we needed on more thing certified in Illinois.

Saturday and Sunday, Leonard did literally 20 hours of homework.

Jacob and Nathan studied for finals.

Jacob had two basketball games - which he didn't play in...that would be another post altogether...

Finally celebrated John's birthday.

I finished up an order for a purse and a pair of socks...

Cleaned up dog throw up.

Cleaned up kid pee.

Wrapped presents.

Christmas shopped.

Dealt with a bad grade from one of my oldest children.

Did 10 loads of laundry.

Helped Leonard with his final business plan.

Thought about cleaning the house. Didn't do it.

And then they came. The tears....I lost it last night.

I cried and Leonard sat with me. Not saying a word.

It seems like for every step forward on the adoption, we take two steps back.

I really don't know if I can take anymore. I know that it is all in God's perfect timing.

1 comment:

Tami said...

((hugs)) I'll call you tomorrow night.