Monday, December 8, 2008

Happy Birthday...

It is Noah's birthday today. He is 3. In this world there are three mothers...
1. His foster mom - Today she will spend his birthday...I know that the home that sponsors him has a birthday party for each child and their family. I know that she is enjoying this time and loving it. She always looks so happy when she is with him. Thank you so much for loving him before he comes home to us. Thank you for giving of your time, your energy, and your patience to raise him.
2. Me - I think of Noah all of the time. I wonder what he is like. What is he doing to celebrate his birthday? What is his favorite food? What makes him laugh? I pray he is healthy and that his adjustment is quick and secure. I have never met this little boy, yet, he is so deeply etched in my mind and in my heart, that I cannot imagine life without him...
3. His birth mother - Granted, there is no way of knowing exactly when his birthday is. However, whether it was yesterday, today or tomorrow, there is a mother who is without the child she carried for 9 months. She is without the heartbeat that was under hers for so long. She made the very hard decision to give him up. Can you imagine having a child and then having it taken away at only a couple of days old? Can you imagine laying him on the sidewalk, hoping and praying that some one will come by and pick him up?

Noah has three that will hold him for a couple of years, one that dreams of holding him for the rest of his life, and one that remembers holding him as he took his first breath and heard his first cry....

Happy Birthday, Noah

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