Friday, February 27, 2009

Living on Faith

I attended a funeral earlier this week for a friend who died of cancer. Instead of mourning the death of him, we celebrated his life and the fact that we all know where he is now...He couldn't wait! He knew he would be healed - either here on earth or in heaven.

During the funeral, our pastor talked about living on faith. He talked about Noah being shunned by his friends and neighbors because he was building the arc. Noah was laughed at and made fun of.

But Noah knew he was hearing God speak to him. He knew what God wanted him to do. Noah did what the Lord wanted him to do and he was rewarded for it.

Do you think adoption is a little like this? You hear God speaking to your heart about these children? You see their sweet little faces and know that this is what the Lord is calling you to do?

I have heard all of the comments from many people as we much does it cost? I can't believe you are adopting again. Don't you have enough kids...etc, etc.

And there have even been times when I listened. Yes, we do have enough, no we don't need anymore. We could be spending our money on other things.

But then I hear that Voice again. And I see those sweet, precious eyes looking out from the pictures again, and I know, and I will follow.

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