Tuesday, April 29, 2008

busy, busy

With a lot of kids, comes a lot of activity...there is hardly ever a moment when there isn't something going on around here.

Saturday, Jacob had a track meet in Akron (not Ohio...) but mothernature had other plans. They got there, watched two of the girls run two events, and then the track meet was canceled due to snow. Yes, snow. Here we were sunburned from just a couple of days earlier, when we took the 6-12 grade to the Rockies game.

Monday, Jacob had his district baseball playoff game. Unfortunately, after being up on the other team, (our very big rivals) we lost. It was too bad, as we had just beat them Friday.

Today, both Jacob and Nathan had their league track meet in Sterling. Nathan placed 6th place in the 100 meter, and Jacob's relay team won. So Jacob has now qualified for state in his freshman year in track. (Can you tell I am proud of him?)

Tomorrow and Thursday, I think are quiet days, just track practice for Jacob and a couple of tests.

Friday, Leonard and I have to go to Denver to take some classes for our adoption. During our adoption of Kaycee, we were supposed to take 24 credits, as this is a requirement for the state of Colorado. However, honestly I forgot. So now that we are wanting to adopt again, we have to have our classes done before we can get our homestudy certified by the state. UUGGHH, oh well.

Our classes start at 5:30 Friday night, then there are two more classes Saturday - all day, while Jacob is running in his state track meet. UUGGHH!

Sunday, should be a "relaxing" day...church, youth, an anniversary party, Sunday night church for the adults.

Then, it all starts again...only this time, I will be lucky enough to be back in school. 9 credits for my masters...Behavior Analysis, Adaptive Technology, and Literacy for special needs students. Sounds fun...however, I am not sure when I will find the time to study...Any suggestions?

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